Chase + Whitney | Rhino Art District CO | Engagement


Chase + Whitney,

Denver, Colorado | Rhino Art District | Tacos, Los Chingones, Coorsfield, Ratio Brewery, outlets, streets and Finn’s Manor. All thrown into one fun engagement session. Can you hear the awesomeness?

I love getting to photograph urban engagements because there are so many options available. Shapes, sizes, graffiti art, colors, you name it, the streets have it.

That’s where we went one lovely afternoon over the end of the summer to capture the love that these two wonderful and kind people share. There is nothing but love when it comes to these two.

Their wedding will be occurring in 2019 and I just can’t wait. Fun and Spunky is what I enjoy shooting and they are definitely these two things. Whitney & Chase, I have no doubt you have that, “it factor” and can’t wait to see you both on your wedding day!
